Trend Line

Lines are used on charts to mark the trends in which markets are moving. A trend line can be placed on any diagonal, at any position or length as you wish. Other trend line options include a Horizontal or Vertical trend line.

Add a Trend Line

  1. Right-click on the chart to display the context menu.
  2. Highlight Add Drawing, then click Trend Line.
  3. Placing your cursor where you wish the line to start, left-click and drag over the chart, releasing your mouse where the line should end.

Show Prices for a Trend Line

Use this option to show the prices where the start and end of the trend line is placed.

  1. Right-click on the trend line to display the context menu.
  2. Click Show Prices.

Extend Points on a Trend Line

Use this option to extend either point 1 or point 2 of the trend line on the chart.

  1. Right-click on the trend line to display the context menu.
  2. Click Extend Point #1 or Extend Point #2.

Show Bar Count for a Trend Line

Use this option to display the number of bars that a trend line covers on the chart.

  1. Right-click on the trend line to display the context menu.
  2. Click Show Bar Count.