Cancel, Reset, Delete Price Alerts

Price alerts are managed from the Alerts panel.

Cancel an Alert

  1. From the Alerts panel, right-click on the symbol column for the alert you wish to cancel.
  2. Select Cancel.

Note: Only "Working" alerts may be canceled.

Reset an Alert

Once an alert has been triggered, you can reset it to a "Working" state.

  1. From the Alerts panel, right-click on the symbol column for the alert you wish to reset.
  2. Select Reset.

Note: If you want to change any of the conditions for this alert, you should delete it and enter a new alert with the new conditions.

Delete an Alert

Working, Canceled and Triggered alerts will stay in the Alerts panel until they are manually deleted.

  1. From the Alerts panel, right-click on the symbol column for the alert you wish to remove.
  2. Select Delete.